Professor Russell Foster (from Oxford University, no less) is one of those rare breeds of high-level academic with an amazing ability to break down the super-sciencey stuff into TYP-Friendly, easy-to-understand-and-apply info and inspo. Yes, I used inspo. You’re welc. Stop it. This chat is in my all-time top 20 (out of almost a thousand eps). Among other things, we spoke about circadian rhythms (what they are and why they matter), the neuroscience of sleep, our biological clock vs. the clock on the wall, why alarm clocks are crap, the perils of night shift, poor sleep and dementia, sleep deprivation as torture, the relationship between sleep and cognitive function, biofeedback, why are heart attacks and strokes more prevalent between 6am and midday, how modernity and technology has made us ‘lose touch’ with our biological sat-nav, why we’re crap at sleep, why exposure to early morning light is important and lots (and I mean lots!) more. The Prof’s new book is called ‘Life Time: Your Body Clock and Its Essential Roles in Good Health and Sleep’.
Life Time: The New Science of the Body Clock, and How It Can Revolutionize Your Sleep and Health