Liz Craven is a freak. In a good way. Pound for pound (kilo for kilo), she’s one of the strongest women in the world. You might find the fact that she has squatted 160.5 kgs (353.1lbs), deadlifted 190 kgs (418lbs) and bench-pressed 87.5 kgs (192.5lbs) in competition (more in training) impressive but here’s the really freaky part; her ‘walking around’ weight is 55kgs, her competition weight is 52 kgs, her height is 4’11” (150cm’s) and her age is 45. She’s also a mum, wife, business owner, reformed party girl (went hard apparently), did zero training until her mid-thirties and.. she’s still getting stronger. As someone who has worked with more strength athletes than I can remember, owned multiple gyms, lifted weights for over forty years, worked with numerous professional sporting teams and lectured Exercise Science at University level, I can honestly say that Liz’s strength is truly freak-ish. Even if you have zero interest in powerlifting, this is an interesting chat with an interesting human about potential, possibilities, decision-making and the ever-present challenge of changing thinking, habits, behaviours, outcomes and in Liz’s case, a life. Enjoy.